Laser Marking Customized Solutions
CHOOSE THE COMPLETE SOLUTION: marking / reading / removing non-compliant parts!
Laser marking system ?! Firstly let's see the definition of the laser! The term LASER in English is an acronym for "Easy amplification by radiation stimulated emission" and its origin is found between 1950-1960. Laser is applicable in many fields: metrology, geology, nuclear fusion, military applications, medicines but also industrial applications for laser welding, laser cutting, laser measurement, laser engraving or laser for care. Laser is thus one of the most important manufacturing tools!
The correct choice of a laser system depends on many aspects and it is challenging to take the right decision! The following items will help you to get as many information as possible and to prepare the acquisition process by considering the main aspects. The first basic information is on which material will you be marking?
With Technifor laser machines, you are sure to achieve the best results on every type of material. Our laser marking systems can mark on metals: stainless steel, aluminum, gold, silver, titanium, bronze, platinum, copper and much more.
Another decisive information concers the type of the system: a workstation or integrated in a production line? To easily fit into your production environment, the Technifor marking machines are available in two versions: integrable or station. With our marking machines your options are never limited as all our machines are available in two versions so you can pick the best marking option to seamlessly fit into your production line.
Designed for integration, Technifor marking machines are suitable to completely integrate into your production line. Often placed at the end of the line, the automatic marking operation of the line can be adapted into a new manufacturing line or can be added to existing lines.
Laser marking is a special procedure for engraving objects from different materials and is done with the laser, operating just like an inkjet printer, only in this case the ink jet is replaced by a light beam. The laser beam is focused on the material and moved on it, following a model made by specialized software installed on a computer and has the effect of vaporizing a surface layer of that material. The heat from the beam causes the surface of the material to melt. The laser beam uses high heat to melt the surface of the material. A marking machine creates permanent markings on the pieces and by adjusting the parameters, a superficial or deeper engraving can be obtained, depending on the needs.
With over 40,000 machines installed across the world and over 30 years of experience in the design of industrial traceability systems, Technifor offers complete solutions incorporating marking and automatic verification by camera. In addition to assisting with the integration of marking heads, our qualified engineers support you in your project and bring you the benefit of their experience in installing and interfacing the various components of your production line.
The concept of traceability has always been a part of Technifor's knowledge base. With increasing pressure in practically every market, the marking of products has never been as important as it is today. Mastering the different aspects of traceability, your concerns are considered in the design of our solutions:
- from comprehensive marking solutions to automatic reading
- the largest range of permanent marking technologies to meet your precise needs
- all the integrated traceability functions: Technifor develops its management software and enhances this with extensive application experience
Accessories for Laser Marking Machines
A wide range of accessories are available to help you make the most of your laser machines regardless of the application.
All the accessories are common to the fiber laser, hybrid laser, green laser and CO2 laser ranges.