Unități liniare THOMSON

Cu acționare prin curea dințată:

  • lungime maximă: 12000 mm
  • viteză liniară maximă: 10 m/s
  • precizie: 0,05 mm

Cu acționare cu șurub cu bile:

  • lungime maximă: 11000 mm
  • viteză liniara: 2,5 m/s
  • precizie: 0.005 mm
  • forță: 300 - 40000 N
  • accelerație: până la 40 m/s2
  • mărime profil: de la 25 - până la 285 mm

Unitati liniare standard THOMSON

Movoparts Linear Units

Movopart Linear slide actuator, a linear motion unit

Economical linear units designed for transport grade applications such as packaging, material handling, and factory automation.

WH (SpeedLine) Linear Units

wheel-guided linear motion slide unit

Wheel-guided linear units designed for high-speed material handling and packaging applications where throughput is critical.

WM (PowerLine) Linear Units

ball-guided linear motion components

Ball-guided linear units that combine high precision with stiffness and rigidity for applications such as machine tool automation and test/measurement.

Linear Tables

linear guide systems and linear motion tables

Linear units with dual rail, 4 bearing architecture designed for maximum moment load and/or precision.

MovoTrak Collaborative 7th Axis

MovoTrak Collaborative 7th Axis

The first ever collaborative range extender for cobots, featuring collision detection settings for groundbreaking programming and control benefits.

Miniature Linear Units

miniature linear slide units

Small-scale linear units that are optimal for medical, lab automation, and lightweight packaging or material handling applications.


  • Liniarunits
  • linear lifting units 840x580
  • beltunits slideguided 840x580
  • linear rod units 840x580
  • beltunits wheelguided 840x580
  • ballscrewunits slideguided 840x580
  • ballscrewunits ballguided 840x580

Product Manager Transmisii Mecanice

Dorin Vadasan
Tel. +4 0752 155 509

Product Manager Power Transmissions

Ede Tomka
Tel. +4 0752 155 508